Friday, July 11, 2008

Boiling Crabs!


I have written several blogs, and none have been in relation to the upcoming election and the historic event that took place when Sen. Barack Obama became the first black nominee for President of these United States. Granted, I have many opinions about this, but I have chosen to hold those comments until later. However, the recent actions of one Rev. Jesse Jackson, known to his non supporters as J.J., have prompted me to remember an old adage about crabs in a bucket.

For those who are too young to know to what I am referring, when crabs are in a bucket, they continue to pull each other down in an attempt to get out of said bucket. This observation has been used in life in regards to when people try to keep their own from reaching the top, by doing whatever possible to keep them from achieving that goal. This is where J.J. comes in.

As many of you know, Jesse Jackson went on the conservative Fox News (first mistake), and made an ass of himself. Supposedly, he did not know that his mic was still on while he was in the green room and he made some comments about Presidential Candidate Barack Obama. Loosely speaking he said that Barack speaks down to black people and he would like to cut his balls off. Wow! Are you kidding me? And what does Fox do, what they were expected to do, air it as soon as they could. First of all, as an alleged black leader, he should not, on air or off, make negative comments about another black man who has made history. Secondly, as a Reverend he shouldn't even think about cutting any body's balls off. Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord! This is a classic case of crabs in a bucket. Ever since Obama began his race for the presidency, he has received ridicule from both blacks and whites. The first group is a shocker to me, and one of the main reasons we as blacks in America will never, EVER, succeed. These are the reasons, if he loses, Obama may not be president.

Blacks are so busy trying to sabotage, kill, degrade, abandon, each other that we can never come together to do something positive that will benefit us. Honestly, we would probably be better off as slaves, and we won't stop until we are again. It seems that this is the only time we can come together and move in the same direction. As slaves our ancestors sung, prayed, and ran together. During segregation, they sung, prayed and marched together. Now, we argue, curse, and fight each other. All while white america looks at us with a big smile. What's the easiest way to get rid of a problem, let it kill itself off. And that's what we are doing. Degrading our own by organizing such groups as black republicans against Obama, (yes it does exist).

Jesse Jackson, an opportunist, not a leader, is apparently jealous of Obama's success. Obama was able to do what Jesse had been trying to do for years. In the 80s Jesse tried to become the first black presidential candidate elected by the Democratic party and failed each time, losing twice to Michael Dukakis. Years later, here comes Obama who not only gets the nomination from Democrats, but is getting support from Republicans as well. Go figure. This is not an isolated incident involving J.J., on several occasions, Jesse has made it a point to try to pull Obama back down in the bucket with the rest of the, *pardon* niggers. First, saying he is not black enough, why, because he doesn't have outside children that he doesn't take care of? Next, saying he was wrong for his father's day speech, why, because he was telling the truth based on his personal experience?(Struck a nerve did he?) Now, saying he talks down to blacks and wants to castrate the man, why, because he has been successful at what you have failed at? I wonder what Dr. King would have to say about this? Since he wants to follow in his footsteps. No matter what Malcolm X did or said, Dr. King never responded negatively, because, although they didn't agree with each others tactics, they were still fighting for the same cause. Take notes J.J.

Black people, open your eyes, take off the shackles that bind your mind and realize that we will always be frowned upon, degraded, embarrassed, and treated unfairly, because it's easy to destroy a chain when the links are not strong. We need to come together and concentrate on rising together. Doing it separately has not worked thus far, when will we realize that it won't?

And for those who think that Obama is speaking down to blacks, realize if he is, he's only doing it to try to get you to rise up to the level he knows we should and can be at.

Bottom line: Stop being monkeys and start being trainers. It's hard to kill the word "nigger" if we keep resurrecting it and proving they still exist.


Anonymous said...

Wow, these are some good blogs, far more interesting reading than the latest celebrity gossip. I so agree with you. Our race has the most problems with the successes of other members of our race. Truly crab mentality. However, you have to remember this…the reason the crabs pull each other down is because when the one makes it out he doesn’t turn around and help out the others but scurries across the floor in an escape attempt. If more of our people actually reached back for others left behind, it would be easier for them to get out. Just a thought.

Unknown said...

Brother you hit the nail on the head. We have so much more stuff to be worried about. As the sista said her blog about AKA, unity is needed not backstabbing and jealously towards one another.

Being a black male, I try my best to go back to the neighborhood where I grew up and help out. I volunteer at a community center on the weekends. Yes, I am a brother that made it to Wall Street but I haven’t forgotten where I came from.

Am I doing all I want to? No. Can I do more? I’m sure. Am I doing a whole hell of a lot more than the average? Yes. How can I do that do if I’m always looked at as the uppidy nigger who thinks he’s better than everyone else? It makes me not want to help but I do because I try to get past the ignorance they display. I’m trying to lead by example but it is real hard. Any suggestions?